The Bank

Role: Project Lead & UI Designer

Software: Figma

Objective: Design the product interface for a new tool that allowed the Director of Imaging to track banked audio from the team of music producers.

I was responsible for creating the logo, low-fidelity wireframes, high-fidelity wireframes, and the handoff to the development team.

Producer dashboard view

This is the view the director of imaging sees when he first logs into the product. The product dashboard view gives him a high-level look at what audio producers have stored for future use. The user can sort by quantity or dig into a row to see more information.

Producer dashboard view with a row expanded

This view shows a look at an expanded row for a producer. The expanded row shows the breakdown of what products the audio is stored for.

Product dashboard view

This view shows the number of audio pieces stored by the product.

Product dashboard view with a row expanded

This view shows an expanded row for a product. The expanded row shows the breakdown of what audio producers stored in that product. The second image is some annotation notes for the developers.

Filtered search results

This is an example of the view when filters are selected from the left nav.

How the interface content reacts to selected filters

Left nav states

This is a high-level view of different nav states and how filters change the view/results

Product Specs

Low-fidelity wireframes


Jingle Package Design System


My ReelWorld